Therapy for Adolescents and Teens
Every day it seems there are more ways than ever for young people to experience stress. From the pressure of sports, navigating relationships and bullying in a technology saturated world, school, illness, and feelings of isolation, to transitional stressers of puberty, divorce, and high school or college, there seems to be no escape. Preteens and teens are experiencing immense pressure every day.
We believe that adolescents and teens need a safe and private outlet to deal with these issues and develop healthy coping skills during these vulnerable years. Sometimes more serious interventions may be needed, as in the cases of abuse and neglect, depression, substance abuse, sexual acting out, anger and other significant issues.

To schedule a consultation or receive more information on current adolescent individual or group counseling, please send a message through out contact page or call 980-299-6558.
Counseling can help your adolescent or teen with:
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Bereavement
- Bullying
- Eating and body issues
- Self Esteem
- Pressure of sports
- School Issues
- Issues of abuse and neglect
- Terminal and Chronic Illness
- Depression
- Family/ Blended Family issues
- Trauma
- Adoption
- Coping with life transitions
- Behavior issues/ Defiance